Club Championship 2023

Club Championship, Edwards Trophy and Seniors Club Championship.

At the weekend of July 15th and 16th, we held the Handsworth Golf Club championship, where 130 members attempted to get their names on the honours board.
Three competitions were up for grabs, played over 36 holes with a halfway cut. The main competition was the Edwards Trophy for the best net score over the two days. In addition, there was the Club Championship to be played for the best gross score over the two days and the Seniors Club Championship again the best gross score but for the over 55’s.
Friday the 14th (before the event) was challenging for the green staff as it rained continuously all day, with some fairly heavy spells in the afternoon.

Day One Saturday 15th July

On Saturday morning, the first participants Tee’d off at 7:30 a m. The sky was clear but very windy. The morning wave of players was fortunate, with only the odd brief shower, but unfortunately, things changed for the worse at lunchtime.
Golfers taking shelter from the rain
A heavy shower flooded the greens and forced all players off the course at 12:30. There was an hour-and-a-half delay while the greens cleared before play recommenced. The effects of the weather meant that the course was extremely long and difficult.
Rain delays play
Eventually, the rain cleared, and play concluded at around 8 pm. Some notable scores on the first day included;
Mark Andrew 71 – 5 = 66
Haris K Ular 93 – 27 = 66
Bob Willetts 74 – 7 = 67
Simon Evans 76 – 9 = 67
Daniel O’Brien 76 – 9 = 67
For the Club Championship, the leading contenders were; Mark Andrew (71), Bob Willetts (74), and John Tunstall (75). Simon Evans, Daniel O’Brien, Neil Kelly, and Karl Smith all shot 76 and were still in it. Eventually, the rain cleared, and play concluded at around 8 pm. Some notable scores on the first day included;

Day Two Sunday 16th July

After a wet and windy Saturday, Sunday morning saw clearer skies for those who had made the cut to play their second round. The competition was fierce, and the final results were as follows.

Club Champion

Mark Andrews 71+77= 148 (Gross)
Club Champion
Mark Andrews Club Champion 2023

Edwards Trophy Winner

Nick Cartwright 68+69 = 137 (Nett)
Edwards Trophy Winner

Seniors Club Champion

Bob Willetts 74+74= 148 (Gross)
Senior Club Champion


Congratulations to the winners, and thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s event. Despite the wet, windy Saturday, there were some excellent scores.
The captain was proud to present the Trophies. In his speech, he thanked Gareth and his team for the excellent presentation of the course. He also congratulated Gareth on having made the cut.
He thanked Lee, Claire, and Paul (Pro Shop Team) and Neil Kelly (Competitions Director) for organising the event.