Competition Roundup

The wet weather has continued to try and hamper our golf but without success. We are all looking forward to some brighter days. Here’s a roundup of competition results over the past few weeks – including the following:

Ladies 3 Ball Alliance

The ladies held their first open of the year on Sunday, 7 May. The event, a 3 ball alliance, saw a full field with ladies travelling from all over the Midlands to play.
Fortunately, the weather was warm and sunny, with the course in excellent condition. The winning score of 71 was achieved by a team who had travelled from the East Midlands and was one of the first to tee off!
Ladies 3 Ball Alliance Winners
The winning team – Jayne Barrs (Beeston Fields); Sue Maine (Rushcliffe), and Kim Roderston (Rothley Park).
In second place, also with 71 but beaten by 1 point on countback, were Emma Gibbins (Handsworth), Sarah Smewin and Keiron Standen (both Druids Heath).
Third place went to more Druids Heath ladies with a score of 70- Yvonne Tamplin, Bridget Ball and Carolyn While.
Spot prizes went to Sam Smith (Brocton) for her longest drive on the ninth and Keiron Standen for her nearest the pin on the seventeenth.
Thanks go to Emma Gibbins and Val Campbell for all their hard work regarding the event, Rhys for the catering, Rose for keeping everyone well watered, Lee Bashford for checking the scores and last but by no means least, Gareth and his greenkeeping team for the superb condition of the course.
You can see the complete list if you want to enter any of this year’s open competitions.

Spring Mixed Foursomes

Congratulations to Andy Watts and Divina Kular, seen here receiving the trophy from our Lady Captain Jill Fletcher, for winning the Spring Mixed Foursomes, which took place on April 30th.
Divina is one of our junior members; seeing her pick up the trophy with her playing partner was great, as it’s her first appearance in a mixed competition.

Amrik Kalsi Memorial Golf Day

We thank everyone who played in the Amrik Kalsi Memorial Golf Day. Because of your donations/entry fees, we managed to raise £370 on the day for his charity.
The money will go to The Mata Nanaki Foundation in Punjab.
The Mata Nanaki Foundation provides medical care for people experiencing poverty at affordable costs and for free to those who cannot afford to pay. The Charity also helps arrange for the very poor to get married and provides them with a starter pack – a bicycle, fan, bed, sewing machine, and some clothing items.

The Competition

The competition was an individual stableford (100% index) with the men off the yellow tees and ladies off the red tees. It was a beautiful day on the whole, and the scoring was generally tricky – with the top 3 scores being;
Winners can collect prize money from the Pro Shop. Vijay will be presented with the Trophy at the B team dinner on Thursday, October 19th.
In addition to the individual competition, the member and guests had a team competition, two scores out of four to count on all holes, with three counting on the 18th. An Amrik Kalsi bonus point was also available if the team scored six or more points on a hole.
To be fair, the general scoring was not good. Except for the top two teams who were;
Winning Team
Gautam, Jayne & Vijay pose in the sun after their victory
Thank you to Lee and Claire for their efforts in setting up the competition and their help on the day, and to Jodie and Rhys for keeping us well-watered!
Thanks also to the green staff for presenting the course in such excellent condition, despite the heavy rain over the weekend.
Next year’s event will be held again on the May Bank holiday, which is Monday, May 6th. Please put the date in your diary.

Nance PouNtNey

Congratulations to Megan Lees (formerly Megan Lane) on the right, seen here with Lady Captain Jill Fletcher (left) after winning the Nance Pountney on April 16th.

Competition Result

Megan Winner of the Nance Pountney