Open AM-AM (Team of 4)

On Saturday 17th June, we held the Handsworth Summer Open AM-AM (Team of 4), and again it was good to see a full starting sheet. The competition was a team event with two scores to count from a team of four on each hole, with handicaps restricted to 85% of the course handicaps.
The weather forecast was fantastic, and the course was in superb condition, as always in recent weeks. Unfortunately, as we know, weather forecasts can be wrong, and we saw a spell of light rain for an hour in the morning. It was refreshing rather than being a problem, and nobody bothered putting on their waterproof tops.
The top three teams were as follows;
1st Team – Simon Foster (Hawkstone Park), Lee Gumbley (Handsworth), Steve Hughes (Sandwell), Charlie Roberts (Handsworth). 91 Points
Team of Four Open Winners
2nd Team – Roger Bunn (Handsworth), Steve Cherry (Handsworth), Loz Cox (Handsworth), Warren Jones (Handsworth). 91 Points
Second Place Team of 4 Open
3rd Team – Craig Eastwood (Handsworth), Jeff Nichols (Handsworth), Nick Cartright (Handsworth), Jason Purcell (Handsworth). 89 Points
Third Place Team of 4 Open
In addition, we had nearest pin contests on the 6th and 17th, won by Simon Foster (Hawkstone Park) and Lewis Watson (Handsworth), respectively.
Following the success of having the buggy providing drinks and food around the course last week, we continued this, which again went down well.
Captain Keith Rigby thanked Gareth and the green staff, Mel and her team for keeping us all well-fed and watered, and Lee and his staff for their help running the event and sorting out the results. We would also like to thank John Allsop and Chris Miles, who kindly took on the role of starters for the event.
As always, a big thank you to everyone who took part. We look forward to welcoming entrants to the Mixed Open on 2nd July. See more Handsworth Competition results here.